Life on the road! This clip was taken last time our director, Dana Flor, was on the road with Ani. It was so fun that they decided to do it again and will be reuniting this week for our Midwest Swing State Tour!!!
We write this to you as our team have just had their first stop - Grand Rapids! Thereafter, they will be heading for the rest of the screenings in Milwaukee, La Crosse, Madison & Ann Arbor, where Ani will be joining!
We have had a great response so far for our fundraiser meet & greets in collaboration with Emilys List. Thank you to everyone who has already expressed interest. We can’t wait to meet everyone, as I am sure you are even more excited to meet Ani.
For those who might not know, Emilys List is an organisation that work to elect Democratic pro-choice women up and down the ballot and across the country with a goal of fighting for our rights and our communities. Even if you can’t make it to one of the screenings or meet & greets, you can always donate to them here. But…if you would like to attend a meet & greet, don’t forget that you need to donate a minimum of $100 to Emilys List and provide proof of your ticket to one of our screenings! You can express interest by emailing your name and city to!
There is still a chance to get your tickets to the screenings HERE!!! If you can’t make it, could you tell any of your friends in the Midwest about the film? The more the merrier, especially when it comes to getting people inspired to VOTE!

Hi from Detroit! So excited for this very cool opportunity to meet you, Ani. I'm turning 53 in 33 minutes, so I guess I'm officially a 32 year fan and then some. Unoriginal of me. I must find something much more profound and/or less dad jokeish to say on Wednesday, or maybe just wing it. #libras #safetravels #midwestpride
Thank you for hitting up the swing states!